Saturday, December 05, 2009

Honoring Nelia

I am lucky to have great kids. When I am with others my age, I don't spend time lamenting how my children disappointed me. To the contrary, I am very proud of both of them and of the others who have been part of our extended family (like Tseliso and Greg).

At this very moment, my daughter, Nelia, is flying to the Kingdom of Swaziland in southern Africa on mission for several weeks with the Glaser Foundation of Los Angeles. Glaser works in pediatric AIDS and focuses great effort on Africa.

Nelia is a Tulane U. Master of Public of Health graduate. She now has a track record on working for several agencies with AIDS related issues, mainly in the Caribbean and Africa. Over the past few years she has gone to Angola, Mozambique, Mali, and Madagascar . . . to name but a few of the places where she has interfaced and encouraged local AIDS workers.

Like most people, I am not always exactly sure about the work details of my kids. But in Nelia's case, I know that her commitment emerges from deep within her value system. And I know that the agency she works for and Nelia herself are doing incredible good. Nelia witnesses the AIDS pandemic in Africa and speaks always with respect and honor not only for HIV+ Africans and their families but for the hard-pressed agencies that try to meet their needs.

So, sure, this is Dad's show-off blog. I am proud of Nelia and want to honor her work. At Christmas we will be hearing about health and wholeness in Swaziland. Thanks, Nelia, for your work! Love, Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad, thank you so much for this! I owe all of my interest in social justice issues to you and I love you so much!